The School of Wonder is the elementary program for children from age 4 through 12 to 13. The School of Wonder seeks to draw students into awe as they meet the works of their Creator, discover order in His Creation, and learn that the world around them is knowable. During the half-day morning program, primary students enjoy a memory work program, games, and active, hands-on explorations of science, fine arts, and music. Understanding Fundamentals is an afternoon continuation of the School of Wonder morning program for 4th-6th grade students. Fundamentals students enjoy poetry, practice math through interactive games and drill, and along with their parents, receive formal training in English grammar and writing.

Because we believe the arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric are driven by innate curiosity, the School of Wonder provides students from ages four to twelve with an introduction to the divine organizing principle which interweaves all things, the Logos, through a rich feast of ideas.

We prioritize the art of grammar through a cyclical curriculum that introduces students to the natures of history, geography, the natural sciences, mathematics, art, music, English grammar, and Latin.

We cultivate skills of memorization, observation, and attention in order that a student move from an introductory encounter with the nature of a thing, to an exploratory wrestle with what it does and why it is important. Classroom mentors facilitate interactive, group-based practice of the memory work, singing, narration, and games. Introduction of ideas, rather than teaching, is emphasized in classroom. Thoughtful exploration of the ideas, including teaching, is done within the home.

We seek to develop true, good, and beautiful affections through embodied and active encounters with fine arts, music, and poetry. Students spend twelve weeks practicing the fine arts through color, painting, and sculpture. The second twelve weeks, student practice skills of auditory attention and observation through an interactive exploration of singing, musical theory, and music appreciation. Weekly opportunities for singing are given through history songs and other memory work strands.

We explore creation through the natural sciences with special emphasis on observational and embodied experiences. Students marvel and thrill at the greatness of God and His creation through simple observations of nature; therefore, detailed instruction is not present in the classroom, but further exploration and instruction driven by questions from the students is appropriate at home. Students begin to dabble in the logical ideas of cause and effect through planned observations and activities.

We begin training in rhetoric through bi-weekly oral presentations. Formal training in proper usage of English grammar is provided through the Understanding Fundamentals afternoon program as well as beginning training in the expression of ideas through introductory writing techniques and basic essays.

Parents are responsible to continue to serve the feast of ideas at home. We encourage parents to enjoy further exploration and embodiment of the memory work through conversation, literature, and observation as is appropriate for the ages and needs of the family.

School of Wisdom