Paideia Classical Community's memory work curriculum follows a four year cycle where students explore and memorize information from History, Geography, Science, English Grammar, Latin, & Math. Additionally, every year the students learn a chronological timeline which does not change from year to year.

Alpha - Cycle 1

During the Alpha cycle students explore Ancient History from Creation to Christ. The Geography during this cycle focuses on the Middle East & Europe. The Science for this year brings the wonder of life science where students explore cells, plants, and invertebrate animals. English Grammar introduces students to sentence kinds, parts, and patterns, kinds of verbs, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases. Latin introduces the children to declensions (noun endings) and the students explore Pater Noster, the Lord’s Prayer. For math younger students learn & practice addition & subtraction fact families, older students learn & practice multiplication facts, geometric formulas, and various mathematical conversions. English Grammar, Latin, and Math are biennial, so this grammar repeats during the Gamma cycle.

Alpha Curriculum Sample - Coming Soon

Beta - Cycle 2

During the Beta cycle students explore History from the Middle Ages: Christ to the Reformation. The Geography during this cycle focuses on North & South America and Asia. The Science for this year brings the wonder of space, rocks, and origins. English Grammar provides and overview of the eight parts of speech with emphasis on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Latin introduces the children to conjugations (verb endings) and the students explore a Latin hymn, Pange Lingua, Sing My Tongue. For math younger students learn & practice addition & subtraction fact families, older students learn & practice multiplication facts, geometric formulas, various mathematical conversions, and the four orders of operations. English Grammar, Latin, and Math are biennial, so this grammar repeats during the Delta cycle.

Beta Curriculum Sample - Coming Soon

Gamma - Cycle 3

During the Gamma cycle students explore History from the Explorers to about 1900. Geography takes students to Africa & Oceania. Ecology, mammals, and human anatomy make up Science. English Grammar, Latin, and Math are biennial, so this grammar is repeated from the Alpha cycle.

Gamma Curriculum Sample - Coming Soon

Delta - Cycle 4

The Delta year take students through Modern History and US Geography. Students are amazed by the power and order found in Physics and Chemistry. English Grammar, Latin, and Math are biennial, so this grammar is repeated from the Gamma cycle.

Delta Curriculum Sample - Coming Soon

What about US History?

US History is woven throughout the Gamma & Delta cycles.